Stark Energy

Stark Energy Limited Performs Hydrotest on LPG Discharge Hoses at Xpress Gas LPG Substations in the Ahafo Region, Ghana

Stark Energy Limited is happy to announce that we have tested the LPG discharge hoses at Xpress Gas’s Kenyanse and Goaso substations in the Ahafo Region, Ghana.

The test involved subjecting the LPG hoses to a pre-specified test pressure, during which the hoses’ integrity was checked. An electrical continuity test was performed to ensure that the LPG hoses dissipate the right electrostatic charges while in use.

A coded sticker label containing the test date, test pressure, electrical resistance, and the next test date was used to identify the tested hose assembly. An instant certificate was issued to the client onsite after the test.

The hoses that passed the test are good to be used for the next 6 months without any leakage or bulges. This helps in mitigating LPG-related fire incidents and also reduces downtime.

We remain committed to providing energy solutions for your business.

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